AWS CloudFormation vs. Google Cloud Deployment Manager

April 15, 2022

AWS CloudFormation vs. Google Cloud Deployment Manager

Cloud hosting is a widely popular approach for hosting applications, websites, and other services. AWS CloudFormation and Google Cloud Deployment Manager are two powerful tools that can help you automate and manage your cloud infrastructure. In this article, we'll compare both tools and help you decide which one is the right fit for your needs.


AWS CloudFormation is an infrastructure as code service that allows you to define and manage your AWS resources using templates. You can use CloudFormation templates to define your infrastructure stack, which includes resources such as EC2 instances, S3 buckets, ELBs, and more. CloudFormation offers a simple, declarative way to provision and manage your AWS resources at scale.

Google Cloud Deployment Manager, on the other hand, is a tool for managing Google Cloud Platform resources. Like CloudFormation, it allows you to define infrastructure as code using templates. Deployment Manager offers powerful features such as real-time monitoring, automatic rollback, and parameterization.


Let's compare both tools based on various factors:

Language Support

CloudFormation templates are written in JSON or YAML format, which is easy to read and write. AWS also offers a visual editor for creating templates, making it easy to get started with CloudFormation.

Google Cloud Deployment Manager templates are written in YAML format, which is similar to CloudFormation. However, Deployment Manager also allows you to use Jinja2 templates, which is an advanced templating language that allows you to add logic and flow control to your templates.

Resource Support

Both CloudFormation and Deployment Manager support a wide range of resources, including compute, storage, networking, security, and more. However, AWS has a much larger ecosystem, which means that CloudFormation supports more resources and services than Deployment Manager.


Both CloudFormation and Deployment Manager can handle large-scale deployments. However, CloudFormation offers better scalability and fault tolerance. This is because CloudFormation is built on top of AWS services such as Auto Scaling Groups, which allows it to scale horizontally and handle large deployments with ease.


Both CloudFormation and Deployment Manager are free to use. However, you will be charged for the resources that you provision using both tools. AWS offers a free tier, which allows you to provision some resources for free. Google Cloud Platform also offers free credits to new users.


Both AWS CloudFormation and Google Cloud Deployment Manager are powerful tools for managing cloud infrastructure. The right tool for you depends on your specific needs. If you are using AWS and need a tool that provides a wide range of resources and services, then CloudFormation is the way to go. On the other hand, if you are using Google Cloud Platform and need a more flexible and powerful templating language, then Deployment Manager is a better fit.


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